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Abbie Reeve


Hi! I’m Abbie – Norfolk born & bred, raised in the middle of nowhere until I was 16. Really the middle of nowhere – I argued with my Geography teacher in high school about whether it qualified as a village or merely a hamlet. I studied Theatre at Brunel University, specialising in Physical Theatre. I’ve worked as a fancy dress shop assistant, a Tesco checkout worker, a director, an arts venue Duty Manager, an Assistant Stage Manager, a fringe-theatre Assistant General Manager, a Box Office Assistant, a workshop facilitator, an Events Steward, a Production & Programme Assistant, and I now work as a Producer for Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival, as well as freelancing as a producer, evaluator & event manager. I was also a Creative Associate for Without Walls for 2020/21.

Ultimate Desert island disc track? Boys Don’t Cry by The Cure.

If you could have written one play, what would it be and why? Crave by Sarah Kane, because it was the first play to make me snotty sob in public.

If you had to be locked inside one gallery overnight, which would it be and why? Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam – their ‘It’s a Genderful World’ exhibit was stunning, and they present their pieces in a really innovative way.

What was the last book that made you cry? Or laugh out loud? (or both!) Buddy Wakefield's 'A Choir of Honest Killers'

Who would play you in a film of your life? Andrew Garfield, for obvious reasons.

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