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Hamilton Brown


What was the last book you didn’t manage to finish?

A contentious answer, but Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I just could not immerse myself into the plot due to the documentary formatting. The fluorescent spine is glaring at me from my bookshelf in disappointment…

If you could have written one play/novel/poem/song, what would it be and why?

I’d have to say Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. How amazing would it be to write the most famous love story in history that is still being talked about and studied today?!

Who would play you in a film of your life?

I’d like to say a young Colin Firth. I’ve been told my mannerisms remind people of him.  

What was the last piece of media [add as appropriate if you like] that made you cry? Or laugh out loud? (or both!)

Most recently, the Barbie movie. It had me laughing and crying in quick succession. Well done Greta Gerwig, you genius!

Hamilton Brown
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