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Amy Radbourne.


Hi, I’m Amy, a writer and poet from Norfolk. When I’m not jogging through the park,

smiling at every dog I pass, you will find me working at my local shop. I studied Creative

Writing and Drama at Edge Hill University and have dabbled in all sorts, from acapella to

radio presenting. Since then, I’ve written two books and hope to publish them soon. My

lifelong dreams include becoming a scriptwriter on Doctor Who, publishing a series of young

adult sci-fi/ fantasy novels and living in a library.

Your ultimate desert island disc track: that one song you would take with you to a

desert island, if you could only choose one.

I would choose the feel-good classic, ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’. Let’s put on a BBQ and

pass round the cocktails…we’d be absolutely fine. Unless I’m all alone? In that case, I’d

probably end up re-enacting the opening credits of Bridget Jones’ Diary.

Who would play you in the film of your life?

Jennifer Saunders would make my life look hilarious and her impressions are brilliant. I have

no doubt that she could pull it off. Plus, she can sing a lot better than I can. My life would

make an amazing musical comedy!

Have you ever read a poem that feels like it HAD to be written about you? What was it

and why?

'Escape at Bedtime' by Robert Louis Stevenson. When I read it, I’m taken back to my

childhood home. I remember playing in the barnyard at night, searching for bats or watching

a bonfire. I loved to stare up at the stars. This poem just makes me feel so cosy and nostalgic.

What was the last book that made you cry, or laugh out loud? (or both!)

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. I adore dogs so it’s no surprise that this book

turned me into a sad little puddle. I’m not so keen on cars, but Enzo the dog still made it

worth reading.

What’s a poem you can recite on demand?

"Pointy birds, oh pointy pointy, anoint my head, anointy ‘nointy!" – Steve Martin

Amy Radbourne.
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